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Whole truth about September 11
The eleventh day of September 2001 went down in history as the tragedy of a world scale, dealt a crushing blow to the faith of citizens in a democratic community in its own security and integrity.
What associations awakens the phrase "September 11" for ordinary Americans? Perhaps the view of ruins of the World Trade Center, which has become a tomb for 2,795 people, the inconsolable grief of hundreds of thousands of friends and relatives of the victims, shock, confusion, tears of helplessness, an acute sense of complete helplessness in the face of terror. We can only assume, because any person regardless of citizenship and nationality granted the right to empathy ...

They say the pain of loss decreases with time, the wounds zarubtsovyvayutsya and grief grows into lighter grief, but anger remains. The Bush administration had managed to outrage the nation in the right direction - the target was elected al-Qaeda, and appeared on the agenda of the main issue: the fight against global terrorism. It seems to be all smooth - the terrorists attacked America, and must answer for the destruction, pain and suffering of the people.

Nevertheless, the official version of the White House is not recognized by all. In recent years, the so-called skeptics of the case on Sept. 11, new supporters - and not just in SShA.Oni sure: the attack on the Twin Towers was just a sideshow, but customers should not be sought among the Afghan terrorists and not in the lair of Osama bin Laden and much closer - and surrounded by the U.S. president.

Americans believe their government. But not all. In America, the dissidents have more than enough reason to doubt that they always tell the truth. The assassination of President Kennedy - and now a mystery to many unknown. Counting of votes in the last presidential election mist envelops ... The greatest American catastrophe - Pearl Harbor? Then, in December 41 th, the Japanese seemed to invite attack the main naval base in the United States. It was necessary to provide a pretext for war, regardless of the number of their own victims. Similar scale tragedy of September 11, 2001 also caused a lot of questions.

Four passenger Boeing for an hour were captured 19 Arab terrorists armed with knives for cutting cardboard. Kamikaze took over management of aircraft and changed the course of New York and Washington. Two Boeing were sent to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. In the skyscrapers started a fire that caused their complete destruction. Third Boeing crashed into the Pentagon. Passengers of the fourth plane came into the fight with the hijackers, which led to the crash site in Pennsylvania. It was an attack on America, its planned Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaida international terrorist organization, consisting mainly of Arabs.

This is the common version of events. She finally took shape in a few days after the disaster, becoming official.

Any crime can be open, knowing the motive. The paradox of the events of September 2001 that the attacks were not favorable to those who ascribe to them.

Perhaps the greatest benefit was the Bush administration - have a real opportunity to justify the invasion of Iraq, military operations in Afghanistan, etc. On the frightened nation easier to talk, it can be persuaded to do anything.

How could a "terrorist chief Osama bin Laden (who needs to regularly support the work of the kidneys and is unable to travel long distances) to monitor the activities of 19 terrorists living in the United States within two years, asked director Michael Moore (by tape" Fahrenheit 9 / 11 " )? So, who struck America: the treacherous terrorist Osama or bosom friends of George W. Bush from Saudi Arabia, which binds 25 years of sincere friendship?


These questions really sound blasphemous, and until recently they could be taken merely as the result of inflamed imagination exalted director.

But today, these accusations were serious support to the scientific community of America, more than 60 known representatives of the academic thought the U.S..

At the end of January 2006, over 60 scientific luminaries joined the group "Scholars for truth about the events of September 11" (S9/11T), claiming - why the names of the masterminds and perpetrators of this terrible crime against humanity are kept secret, and this contributes to the U.S. administration, headed George W. Bush.

The names of experts who disagreed with the official version of the White House is impressive - leading scholars in the field of history, defense, psychology, philosophy and applied sciences. Our studies confirm the view that the WTC buildings in New York destroyed by controlled explosions, and the version of the authorities about the attack the Pentagon does not hold water. Scientists believe: the government not only prevented the September 11 attacks but staged them for political purposes.

Striking the names of people who made sensational allegations:

Robert M. Bowman - former manager of "Star Wars" space defense program of the U.S. Air Force (101 sorties).

Fred Burks - a translator of many American presidents and the people with knowledge of the political kitchen of America.

Len Bracken - journalist, author of "Shadow Government: the September 11 events and the state of terror."

Lloyd de Moos - Director of the Institute of psychohistory, president of International psihoistoricheskoy Association and editor of the Journal of psychohistory. "

Eric Douglas - a New York architect, chairman of the Independent Commission Review Committee WTC reconstruction projects.

James Fetzer - a famous scientist, university professor McKnight (Minnesota), former U.S. Marine officer, author and editor of more than 20 academic publications, co-founder of S9/11T.

Robert Frittsius - Electronic Engineering, a specialist in radar and telecommunications.

Daniel Ganser - historian, a representative of the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Michael Gass - a specialist on explosives (USAF), a sapper, author of development of techniques for mine clearance.

Kenyon Gibson - a former naval intelligence officer, author of several books on the events of September 11.

Rich Hellner - monitoring the movement of air transport, the dispatcher.

Don Jacobs - former Dean of the Faculty of Education, Professor of Education Sciences, University of Northern Arizona.

Andrew Johnson - a physicist, a specialist in computer technologies, a software developer.

Stephen Jones - Professor of Physics, co-founder and creator of the group S9/11T site.

Peter Kirsch - known pathologist.

Wayne Madsen - a journalist, researcher, a former employee of the intelligence services.

Richard McGinn - Professor of Linguistics, University of Ohio.

Don Paul - author of "September 11: Our Fascist State" (2002), "September 11: the greatest crime and concealment of the truth" (2003), "Let us move away from the nightmare: the crimes of 11 September in New York."

Morgan Reynolds - Professor of Economics, chief economist at the Ministry of Labor during the administration of George Bush Sr., head of the Criminal Justice Center National Center for Policy Analysis.

Martin E. Shotts - historian, psychiatrist, mathematician.

Glenn Stanishev - pilot, the head of the Association of airline pilots.

Andreas von Buelow - Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Germanic head of intelligence, a member of parliament for 25 years.

Jonathan Wilson - a specialist in criminology, University of Winnipeg (Canada).

This is not an exhaustive list, allowing understanding of the level of professionalism of people who spoke with the indictment of the American government.

"Well, that's just me, or anyone else realized that destroyed the WTC planes did not attack? - Already on September 11 wrote one eyewitness. - For me personally, this is the most scary moment this morning ... The building suddenly crumbles into dust, like a smooth wave ran down through all floors. Mostly fall into the wreckage. All structural elements are destroyed consecutively, so that there is no bearing skeleton. Destruction of a uniform, symmetrical and absolute. All this looks like a demolition. For it does not require a lot of explosives, but it must be placed in the right places (in direct contact with the structural elements) and to undermine a synchronized sequence of "...

For 5 years around 11 September formed a layer of conspiracy theories. They are developed in great detail, with the layout at the last minute. There are, say, a version of "Operation Pearl" - Interception Boeings with passengers and use of radio-controlled military aircraft for the collision of the twin towers. Later in the course of operations, passengers and civilian aircraft were destroyed and buildings blown up ... All of this has been invented what some fanatical Islamic or European anti-American ingenious, and laid out brick by brick by the citizens of the United States. They just do not trust their government and tend to not only look at the scene, but look behind the scenes.

Conspiracy theories are presented in dozens of sites on the Internet. Alas, as a rule, they built one stereotype. A number of apparent inconsistencies, which themselves are arranged in logical sequence, superimposed circumstantial evidence - the more the better - well, then the author gives the will of fantasies. They are easy to disprove, if someone wants to do it. Simply ignore them.

Book Thierry Meyssana "monstrous contrivance" for some reason decided to refute. The Frenchman has concentrated on the attack on the Pentagon, and in passing concluded that the attacks in New York and Washington carried out a group, located at the top military and political elite of the United States. September 11 was harassed George Bush, put ultimatums, forcing the president to change the nature of foreign policy. Bush reportedly received an ultimatum - and, first of all, survived, and secondly, at the head of his country.

Among the evidence Meyssana - the story of the president himself that he watched video footage of the plane crashed to the building WTC, when the burst secretary, saying: "A second plane hit the tower! In America was attacked! "However, this video preview could not be. Personnel, which commemorated the first collision, were found after 13 hours after the event, when the agency "Gamma" promulgated shooting Naudet brothers. Meyssan does not even admit the possibility that Bush made a mess of something, and concludes: the president showed the secret footage of secret services ... It fits into the concept of its intimidation. Meyssan also learned that day was involved protection scheme from the White House assault detachment of the landing, and not from the crash or the bombing. Meanwhile, at military bases evacuated by the President transported runways in the armored car, citing the protection from snipers.

In general, in response to the "monstrous fraud" two French journalists associated with the secret police, wrote a book "monstrous lie". They branded as unreliable sources Meyssana and summarized: "There is nothing, absolutely nothing. Impressions, fantasies, fabrications.

But the tragedy of 9 / 11 there are many mysterious and thus quite objective circumstances, which for 5 years and have remained without a rational explanation. Concurrent versions would arise less if all the ends converge. But the ends do not converge.

Commission of Inquiry on Sept. 11 rejected from the study of a great number of testimonies and evidence. Even former FBI director stated that the said commission ignores the real events.
Recording interrogations dispatchers on duty on September 11, has been deliberately destroyed - manual tape broke, the film torn into small pieces, and threw its fragments in different bins.
Investigators congressional committee found that some FBI informant provided the two hijackers housing in 2000. When the commission wanted to question the citizen, the FBI has not only refused to comply with this request, but also concealed the informant. According to some reports, the FBI has taken those steps after receiving appropriate instructions from the White House.
Retired USAF Lt. Col. and former head of "Star Wars" has recently made the following statement: "If our government on that day did nothing, simply by ensuring the implementation of the usual procedure in such cases, the twin towers would stand on the spot, and thousands of dead Americans would be alive. "actions of our government - this is treason!"
Recently declassified documents show that in the 60 years the American High Command developed a plan to undermine American planes and commit terrorist acts against U.S. citizens on American soil. The perpetrators of the events referred to should have to make the citizens of Cuba. The plan - a justification of the planned aggression against Cuba.
United States Secret Service, trained to defend the president against any threat and to deliver it in a safe place, violated all the provisions, allowing George Bush to be in a highly publicized location for 25 minutes after application of the attacks on the country.
U.S. Defense Agency, responsible for the safety of citizens, many years pursued a teaching, practicing version of kamikaze planes against the WTC buildings, and other American skyscrapers. "Different types of aircraft, civil and military aircraft were used in the course of working out of action for a possible terrorist attack. In other words, the Pentagon use the real existing airplanes to simulate attacks on tall buildings, including the Twin Towers. Why do Office" unprepared " - remains an issue.
In addition, the military worked out the variants of such attacks and the Pentagon.
On the morning of September 11 the U.S. defense department and intelligence services conducted military exercises to combat terrorism, using a real plane and false "radar label" rather than imposed dispatchers misleading.
It was the morning of 11 September, the Government holds military exercises simulating an air attack by terrorists on the WTC.
Despite government claims of being unaware of the appearance of the aircraft by terrorists, the U.S. Minister of Transport, in his testimony the commission, asserted that Vice President Cheney personally monitored the actions of the pilots of the ill-fated Flight 77 miles to the approximation of the vehicle to the Pentagon.
Third, the World Trade Center (building number 7) collapsed on Sept. 11, despite the fact that it had not been inflicted blows planes terrorists. It collapsed as if it was not the walls or ceilings. Before the tragedy in the building were marked by only small local pockets of fire. This - the only building of steel frame construction in the world, was destroyed due to fire, which can not happen by definition.
According to several FBI, the WTC buildings collapsed by bombs planted inside him.
TV company MSNBC says: the police believed that one of the explosions in the WTC building could be triggered by a truck stuffed with explosives, and located inside the building. In their view, explosive devices could be deployed both in the building, and in the immediate vicinity.
According to the chief of security of the fire service in New York, explosions could be caused by the "bombs" and "secondary devices". According to firefighters, the building was a bomb.
According to the National Association for the demolition of houses, the collapse of the twin towers looked like "a classically planned destruction of the building."
Witnesses say the explosion: the explosions occurred far below the site of the affected aircraft. Moreover, they occurred before the first plane hit the building.
In accordance with the testimony of a police officer devastating explosions in upper floors have occurred at intervals of 15 minutes. The building collapsed just after that.

Researchers were able to collect and organize dozens of facts, "bypassed" the attention of the authorities, they are distorted, or (which is especially scary) did not find space on the pages of official records. Every aspect of the official version of the doubt for the inquisitive and literate reader who wants to know the truth about what happened.

The attack or controlled by erosion?

According to representatives of science, "the fire (fire) could lead to the destruction of the steel building structures. Supporters of the official (government) version of the tragic events of silence about this fact. Moreover, according to the report, signed by the Directorate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (2005), steel frame buildings collapsed allegedly due to fire. At the same time, science is not aware of any such fact.

It is interesting that the towers were designed taking into account the possible air attack and were created with the design strength, which allows to confront conflict with Makhinov such as the Boeing 767.

"They were designed to withstand all kinds of influences, including tornadoes, bombings or clashes with the huge airliners," - says Hyman Brown, project manager of construction of the Twin Towers (2001).

The theory of the destruction of buildings by fire and melting of bearing steel structures is also absurd. According to experts, the destruction of skyscrapers, reminiscent of "controlled erosion" when a certain amount of explosives placed in the load-bearing structures and works in the correct sequence.

During the controlled explosion demolition of a building occurs suddenly - at first nothing, but the next moment the structure breaks up. Steel structure at high temperature can not suddenly break down. This happens gradually - start to sag horizontal beams, and then deformed by vertical steel columns.

But the video, embodying the destruction of the towers, not record such processes, even on the floors located above the hole left by the plane. In addition, the art of controlled explosion of high-rise buildings is to blow up a skyscraper is not scattered in all directions, and "dipped" in a way that the fragments were exclusively on-site construction. So what happened with the towers.

According to Marc Loiseau, President of the largest companies controlled explosion of buildings, such an explosion "should be fully planned, and explosives should be placed in a certain order." All 110 floors of the twin towers collapsed very neatly. When unscheduled blast debris covered a whole district, but this did not happen.

When controlled by blowing up the remains of the building fall to the surface at a speed of free fall, what happens when a random accident. This saboteurs first lay explosives in the supporting system of the lower floors, so the top slip down, almost without resistance.

According to the report of the Commission, the South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds, which corresponds to the controlled explosion. Moreover, this technique allows to "cut" on the supporting steel structure of a certain length, which was recorded in New York. A huge cloud of dust formed on the spot the towers after the explosion, also serves as an indirect proof of the controlled explosion. To such conclusion was reached by the U.S. Corps of Engineers Col. John O'Dowd. "It seemed that the air at the explosion site, the WTC is saturated with cement dust."

Another proof of the planned explosion - a huge amount of molten steel in the wreckage of towers. So, Peter Tully, head of the construction company, Tully Construction, and Marc Loiseau reported "lakes of molten steel" found at the site of collapsed buildings, in underground mines elevators. Meanwhile, the collision plane with the building and the subsequent ignition of jet fuel could lead to temperatures at which begin to melt steel construction. The mystery of the explosion of the twin towers, according to scientists, remains undisclosed. And what about government? It is idle, refusing to divulge information that contradict the official theory.

Shortly after the events of 11 September over 500 staff of fire protection and ambulance services in New York gave oral evidence, one way or another pointing to some inconsistencies that were noted in the aftermath of the attack. Mayor of New York has done everything not to divulge or refute these facts.

Only in August 2005, the newspaper The New York Times and a group of relatives who died after a long trial and a number of appeals was made to publish the mayor's office referred to the direct testimony of witnesses the death of the WTC.

Eyewitnesses refute the government theory, arguing that the events of September 11 are well-planned act of intimidation.

The twins were designed to withstand a collision with a Boeing 707. By weight, size and speed of the aircraft similar to the Boeing 767, which crashed into the WTC skyscrapers. And they both collapsed, collapsed completely and turned into piles of debris and clouds of dust - even without the remnants of vertical steel columns. They "formed".

In the plane hit the North Tower at 8.45 am at right angles, and most of the aviation fuel fell inward, causing a large fire. At 9.03 was hit on the South, but the collision occurred at a sharp angle, and the tower got a relatively small part of fuel (perhaps one-third). The rest is burned in huge balls of fire, escaped from the building outside. Debris from the aircraft passed through the corner and should not have been hurt at the center of bearing steel structures of the South Tower. But she struck first - at 9.59, after 56 minutes after the collision. North collapsed at 10:29, after 1 hour and 44 minutes.

The official explanation for the collapse - burning fuel melted the steel columns. But here is what one of the critics of this theory J. McMichael: "Preheat steel - is like pouring syrup on a plate: syrup will not stand upright. The heat transferred to the colder parts of the steel structure, and the parts that you are trying to warm up, cool. And I have to believe that the fire was burning, becoming hotter and hotter, until then, until it reached the melting temperature - 1538 ° C. And that all 200 thousand tons of steel warmed up to her from the fuel from the fuel tanks of an aircraft. " Maximum temperature for an unprotected steel structures during similar fires reached 360 ° C, and this is very far from 550 ° C, the first critical threshold at which the changes occur in the structure of steel.

Another problem with the official version - that both the skyscraper settled evenly and smoothly. If the collapse of the South Tower began with a 60-floor, the top third would be hung for a moment, supported only by the central columns. But 30 floors simply disappeared instead of falling on a nearby block a block of concrete and steel. Both towers collapsed completely symmetrical, the floors carefully "then collapse, just as happens in cases of controlled demolition of skyscrapers.

And in fact a speed of free fall. Object falling from the 398-meter-high World Trade Center site, will require 9.01 seconds to reach the ground. Or a little longer, given the resistance of air. Gemini collapsed for 10 - 15 seconds, which is close to the speed of free fall. What could be more objective than the laws of physics?

The company, whose workers first appeared in the fall of the WTC site - the same as the demolition of the ruins of a federal building in Oklahoma City was blown up April 19, 1995. Its name - "controlled demolition". Thousands of tons of twisted steel were soon sold to scrap dealers in China and Korea.

In four Boeing 256 were men. Results from the boards was made 13 calls. In reports on the investigation of the events is a detailed description of the Arab hijackers, every minute description of their actions. In the absence of surviving passengers of their "testimonies" were recording telephone conversations, which in many ways and remains the official version. During the investigation of the tragedy of their relatives to reproduce, which in the interests of the investigation was forbidden to pass the content of conversations. However, there was a leak to the press, and Newsweek magazine told, what they talked about the doomed ...

Among the callers was the wife of Deputy Minister of Justice United States Ted Olson, the lawyer Barbara Olson. She twice called him from the aircraft, which terrorists use to attack the Pentagon. Contact with the ground services have only a passenger, Melissa Bowie - she phoned to the dispatcher. The call lasted 4 minutes and 2 seconds and broke in half about it.

After Newsweek conversations quoted a variety of publications. The last words of flight attendant just before the plane turned into a fireball after colliding with skyscrapers: "My God, my God ... I see the building ... the water." Or just a simple phrase: "Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham" ...

Here, strangely not even the fact that man is a mother first and last name, and the fact that he is unable to call. In the early decades of the probability of a successful connection to a cell phone from a jet airliner flying at normal cruising speed and altitude was approximately 1 to 100. The probability of two compounds - 1 to 10000. Probability of thirteen - is negligible.

By decreasing the aircraft to call from your mobile phone seems to become easier. However, other factors begin to operate. At lower altitude jet leaves the confines of one cell within 1 - 8 seconds. During this time, the phone manages to establish contact with it, but it is already in the zone of another cell ...

These data are confirmed experimentally by the professor of two universities A. Dyudni. He went to study the issue scientifically. Assembled a team of researchers, and three times during 2003 was raised on leased aircraft, to check how the relationship with different phones (in the third experiment, say, five tubes were used - three Motorola »(i95cl, StarTac, Timeport 8767), as well as "Audiovoks-8300" and "Nokia-6310i». Dyudni his study called "Project Achilles" - apparently referring to that invincible Greek hero was one weak spot.

Only in 2004-2005, a number of companies engaged in the development of equipment to ensure a sustainable mobile communications in the aircraft - Boeing and Airbus.

U.S. intelligence officials have had at least 12 intelligence reports about the possible use of airliners as weapons. It was known that the attack will be the building and the WTC - the first thing that comes to mind. Information reaches from 1994 to August of 2001, when it became known about the plot to Osama bin Laden to send aircraft to the U.S. embassy in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. Why was nothing done?

As for the fire originated in the White House just blows between the first and second planes? Scenes from the fire were aired ABC News, and then the information is completely disappeared. Why? And what is the probability that a PE in the residence of the President could have happened during that time period?

Hijackers were aerobatic training, but instructors considered them incapable of managing even light single-engine plane. About one of the pilots and terrorists at flight school stayed record: "He can not fly alone." But the Arabs took over the administration, having received the necessary knowledge and skills from training courses and textbooks, skillfully flew to the objectives and clearly impressed them. Why are they able to do this? The wingspan of the Boeing-767-300 "- 47 meters and the width of the tower - 63. The difference, as not difficult to calculate - just 15 meters. Just snipers and suicide bombers do not! These aces acted with such inhuman precision, as if they were led beacon. In the case of Boeing-757-200, crashed into the Pentagon, the arithmetic is as follows: the height of the building - 24 meters and the height of the aircraft itself - more than 13. And this Makhina comes to ram strictly horizontally, Stella over the land within the city limits, and struck a building like the U.S. military establishment at a height between the first and second floors.

At the same time the Pentagon damaged seriously enough to be the result of a collision with a 115-ton airplane flying at speeds of 400 to 700 kilometers per hour. On the ground in front of the wall not only was there no wreckage, and on the grass - signs of burning of fuel from the tanks of the aircraft. On the remaining photos are not visible from the wings - only a neat hole in the wall. Why? Explosion fell exactly on that sector of the Pentagon, which was under repair. Office for Combating Terrorism was evicted from there, the Navy Command Center is not infusing. Among the 125 who died in the Pentagon only one general, but mostly civilian specialists.

Fragments of the liner, which has plummeted in Pennsylvania, found in 8 miles from the crash site, and local residents reported the burning debris falling from the sky. How could this be, if the fourth Boeing lost, falling to the ground?

Finally, also on September 11 there was a military coup in Chile - 28 years before the American tragedy. And for 11 years before, and also on September 11, George HW Bush in a speech before Congress, first uttered the phrase: "The new world order. But this is just a coincidence.

Unfortunately, American officials do not want to hold an independent inquiry to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators. Why is this happening? Who and why it is profitable? These questions remain unanswered, but the public is not satisfied with the position of the Bush administration, and the group S9/11T not going to stop their activities. Soon, we expect new details that reveal the essence of these tragic events and the hypocrisy of government officials. If the allegations prove true of American Scientists, "controlled erosion" may well lead to an uncontrolled reaction of society - not only American but global. And then the authors of the biggest hoaxes in the history of mankind can not faint.


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